Oral examination | 100 zł |
Consultation | 100-150 zł |
Scaling | 200 – 250zł |
Scaling with sandblasting | 280 – 300zł |
Sandblasting with varnish | 250 – 280zł |
Hygiene package | 330 zł |
Fluoride varnish | 30 – 180zł |
Conservative dentistry
Treatment without drilling | 80 – 150zł |
Composite fillings | 200 – 300zł |
Glassionomer fillings | 180 – 200zł |
Tooth build up | 300 – 500zł |
Core materials | 300 – 500zł |
Fillings in milk teeth | 150 – 200zł |
Sealants | 80 – 150zł |
1 root canal | 600 zł |
2 root canals | 800 zł |
3 root canals | 1000 zł |
Teeth whitening
Home bleaching | 700 – 1000zł |
Internal bleaching | 100 – 300zł |
Oral surgery
anesthesia | 40 zł |
Tooth extraction | 200 – 500zł |
Impact tooth | 350-700 zł |
Abscess drainage | 100 zł |
Cyst removal | 250-500 zł |
Post and core | 300-450 zł |
Porcelain fused metal crown | 600-1500 zł |
Full ceramic crown | 1100-1800 zł |
Veneers | 1200-1600 zł |
Diagnostic model | 50 zł |
Temporary crown | 150-300 zł |
Removable dentures
Complete dentures | 1000-1300 zł |
Acrylic partial dentures | 800-1300 zł |
Metal partial dentures | 1300 – 1600zł |
Rebasing | 350 – 400zł |
Adding crowns | 80 -100zł |
Tooth whitening tray, relaxation tray | 500 zł |
* Implants and orthodontic treatments please consult first!
* All prices depends on patient’s situation, degree and different materials used, all in polish złoty. Welcome to schedule for a visit!

Phòng Ngừa
Kiểm tra | 100zł |
Tư vấn nha khoa | 100 – 150zl |
Làm sạch răng | 200 – 250zł |
Làm sạch răng bằng phun bột | 280 – 300zl |
Phun bột với lớp phủ bảo vệ | 250 – 280zl |
Trọn gói (làm sạch răng, phun bột, lớp phủ bảo vệ) | 330zl |
Lớp phủ bảo vệ | 30 – 180zl |

Nha Khoa Bảo Tồn
Khám không dùng khoan | 80 – 150zl |
Trắm răng | 200 – 300zl |
Trám kính răng | 180 – 200zl |
Tái tạo răng | 300 – 500zl |
Tái tạo răng bằng chốt | 300 – 500zl |
Trám răng sữa | 150 – 200zl |
Lấp kín hố rãnh, khe kẽ răng | 150zl |

Chữa Tủy Răng
Rút 1 tủy răng | 600zl |
Rút 2 tủy răng | 800zl |
Rút 3 tủy răng | 1000 zl |

Dưỡng Trắng Răng
Làm trắng răng | 700 – 1000zl |
Làm trắng từ bên trong răng | 100 – 300zl |

Phẫu Thuật Hàm Mặt
Gây tê | 40 zl |
Nhổ răng | 200 – 500zl |
Nhổ răng sữa | 150 – 200zl |
Dẫn lưu ổ áp xe răng | 100 zl |
Loại bỏ u nang | 250 – 500zl |